Purpose: We Can Change

Photo by Annie Marek-Barta on Unsplash


Our struggles eventually shape us into the creative people we are and will be — feelings and all. I assure you, there are opportunities to grow and thrive in our current fallen human condition. If I can do it, so can you. No matter the experience, whether perceived as good or bad, we can use it to create positive change in our lives and in ourselves. What do they say? It’s something like, “It’s not the fall, it is how you get back up that matters.”

Change is easier said than done, especially when for example: others add their two-cent advice before I ask them to, and/or I feel an unrighteous obligation to follow someone else’s lead. I can take these things and flip them to be positive. I can listen to advice before making my decision, and I can always say no when I feel I could be led in the wrong direction. I can use either side of the coin. It’s up to me to decide which way to go, or what my perception will be — positively for the situation or negatively. I’ve got be honest with myself regarding my motives and the care that I need at the time. 

Fear of Man: “If you can’t beat ‘um, join ‘um.” It’s a compromise to repent for.

Excerpt from Hardwired for Purpose by Jana Rawling (Coming out soon!)

† By God’s grace.


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