Clearing Stress Away

Born to Ride

This morning I sat down at my computer with a cup of coffee ignoring the pain in my knee (I twisted it pretty hard a few weeks ago.). I opened one of my book manuscripts to see where I left off. And, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t write.

I stared at the page and began to stress out, thinking, “What’s next?, How do I explain that? Is this clear, blah, blah, blah.”

So, I had to worship. I had to hear some music made for the Lord and clear the stress away. After two songs, I was ready to go!

I just want to encourage you that even though stress can come easily, it can be removed easily too.

P.S.: So, why the bike? I used to ride a motorcycle and I really miss it. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt the thrill of the open road, while screaming “Wahoooooo!” at the top of my lungs. Talk about clearing away stress! I pray one day I can ride again.

Photo byĀ Harley-DavidsonĀ onĀ Unsplash

Overcoming the Fear of Man

Photo byĀ JR KorpaĀ onĀ Unsplash

The more we focus on fearing God, the more we overcome the fear of man.

We must have faith that because we love Him, we have nothing to fear. We must trust nothing will hurt us beyond what are already equipped to handle. And we must understand, hope for, and expect Godā€™s miraculous power to intervene in our lives where Satan is concerned.

God is the Almighty, the I AM. He is the only one capable of taking our life and/or casting our soul into hell (Luke 12:5). God is the one to fear with respect, awe and reverence as our Creator.

We must be changed by revelation to receive the Fear of the Lord.

Excerpt from my current book, Hardwired to Fear God: Overcoming the Fear of Man

You Are Worthy

You Were Made for This.

There are too many people in the world and in the church who feel unworthy. They feel unworthy to receive the love of God. Unworthy to be His child representing Him here on earth. Unworthy to walk in His Spirit. They even feel unworthy to use the gifts and talents God freely gave them. This lack of worth permeates our lives and stops us from doing what we are supposed to be doing to serve the Kingdom of God. We become paralyzed which is exactly what the devil wants.

 We point to you as an example of unwavering faith for all the churches of God. We boast about how you continue to demonstrate unflinching endurance through all the persecutions and painful trials you are experiencing. All of this proves that Godā€™s judgment is always perfect and is intended to make you worthy of inheriting the kingdom of God, which is why you are going through these troubles.

The Passion Translation

So, we are worthy no matter what we are going through of inheriting the Kingdom of God. We are worthy to receive all that God has for us as His children. We can change.

We can rest in the fact our suffering will be fruitful in the end.

By God’s Grace.

Photo by Sarah Noltner on Unsplash

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