Building Our Trust Skills

Photo by Andreas Heimann on Unsplash

Learning to trust can take a lifetime or an instant. It all depends on our background, childhood, health, wealth, and more. We have all come from different life experiences and learning to trust will depend not only on those experiences, but also on what God wants to do in our life.

Why do we even need to build trust when the Bible says not to trust ourselves or others without being careful? Because we live here, in this world, now. We are still called to love others as we love ourselves. That won’t change, so we must learn how to trust with healthy boundaries. And remember, the components of trust are faith, hope and love. These take time to understand in our minds and know in our hearts.

We must learn how to build trust in our relationships, since we are called to have them. We can’t worry about the other person’s ability or willingness to trust us — that’s on them. We can control how much we decide to trust them, and we must always keep in mind that we can be disappointed. And that’s okay. We can forgive them and try again.

Here’s a simple step-by-step process for building trust in our relationships:

  1. Be willing to take a risk and have courage to try to trust with healthy boundaries in place.
  2. If trust is misused, revoke it and set new boundaries.
  3. If trust is reciprocated, offer even more by expanding boundaries.

This Post is an excerpt from my current Book, Hardwired to Trust God: And How to Trust Ourselves & Others

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