My New Health Journal Coloring Book

It’s Time to Get Focused on Healing

People living with chronic pain and illnesses can easily fall into depression, anxiety, addictions, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts and attempts. It is difficult to manage doctor appointments, medications, and self-care. This journal offers healthy thoughts, tracks daily activities, offers suggestions, and can be a diversion from bad days. Art therapy has a positive influence on struggling people. Coloring and doodling can give someone a place to focus while managing their day. A Journal also offers a place for sick and hurting people to find hope. Hope is critical for people fighting illness or adversity. And we need to fight with spirit, soul, and body.

The author, Jana Rawling, currently suffers from several rare diseases, including Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, Dysautonomia, Lymphedema, and more. She understands what itā€™s like to be sick with chronic, degenerative illnesses and how helpful it is to have some way to track her conditions. That was the catalyst to creating this book. She prays that everyone stay positive and be healed through miracles that life and love has to offer.

This book is available on

It’s Actually Favor

Jesus Loves Me Podcast: May 2023

Sharon and Jana touch talk about what favor from God looks like in our lives. Favor permeates our daily lives more than we understand or can even imagine. But, the more favor we receive in gratitude, the more favor God gives us.

Announcing Our Writing Classes for May 2023

Our writer’s group is now on Zoom. Our group, Wright as Reign (W.A.R.), is focused on establishing God’s heart through our words. The words we write today are already in Heaven and it’s time they come to earth. God has deposited in us a desire to write that book, blog post, letter, email, article, and more. W.A.R. is all about helping you to start, to get unlocked, to be creative, and to co-create with the Lord.

Please, contact us if you have any questions through our contact form.

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