A Time Of Harvest and World Turbulence

Please watch this video. We are in a time of shaking and a time for us to share the Gospel of Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. We need to share love for people and God’s love for people. In view of world events, we need to be ready and informed, we cannot be in fear but ready to love people. Bonnie Jones is a trustworthy voice. This is a time to demonstrate our love!

Finished at the Cross

While we were still helpless [powerless to provide for our salvation], at the right time Christ died [as a substitute] for the ungodly. Now it is an extraordinary thing for one to willingly give his life even for an upright man, though perhaps for a good man [one who is noble and selfless and worthy] someone might even dare to die. But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:6-8Ā (Amplified Bible)

Make Room for Creativity

Before we can proficiently co-create and use creativity, we must cultivate it in our lives (Iā€™m officially planting the seed now.). This means that we must be open to the Creative Spirit of God. We must allow ourselves to break free of our own creative and imaginative limitations. We must find joy, play and have fun. We must become childlike once again. Thereā€™s no room for seriousness, stress and worry in creativity. I always say, ā€œStress kills, creativity heals.ā€

Fear, anxiety and other stressors stop creativity from flowing. You must let go of these reactions and feelings to be free to create. You can journal, talk to someone, relax and let go. Then ask God for the creativity you need to get stuff done. He is more than willing to help you find your connection to His Creative Spirit. The connection is like a flow of water that comes through you. Itā€™s an energy like no other. And it requires you to act on what you receive.

Just start. Let go. Get crayons or colored pencils and a coloring book. Start a sketchbook and scribble and doodle. Fly a frisbee. Dance. Do whatever rises in your heart when you think of being like a child. Learn an instrument. Play games. Slow down and appreciate life. And above all, smile.

Excerpt from my book, Hardwired for Creativity: Art Supplies for the Mind available on Amazon.com

Kindness Is Free

Romans 2:4 ” Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?”

Today at the store, I was with a friend and a lady who was also entering the store at the same time, showed her kindness in the form of a compliment. This was a complete stranger. She put herself out there and risked being vulnerable by showing her admiration of my friend’s hat. I know this sounds somewhat obvious in nature; However, we often go along in life and pretty much ignore our fellowman or woman.

Kindness is a virtue. It is something we exhibit without expecting anything in return. Kindness often comes from a place in our heart of a pure heart. It can come in the form of provision, thoughtfulness, care, protection, and every form of helpfulness. It can just be a kind word, opening the door for someone and general thinking of others than yourself.

It is grace towards others. God is very kind to us knowing our human condition here on the earth. So many things here, on earth, were hijacked by Satan. Our life here often is not what God intended. God’s knowing is His love for us and letting us know He cares about us above the negative things going on in the world. He did not create the negativity.

Kindness in us can convey God’s love for people. We can outshine the darkness by sharing the kindness of God. His deepest desire is to show people beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is good, and He loves us.

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