Excerpt from Foundations of Love


Dear Friend,

Please listen to this excerpt of the Love Proposition & Prayer audio from the Foundations of Love online course. It’s just a few minutes that illustrate how we are positioned with Christ as love, with love in our lives.

We can be challenged when it comes to understanding love and how we are able to relate to it, express it and be it as we walk in Jesus every day. Love challenges us to be vulnerable and take risks with our emotions and character.

The Foundations of Love online course begins by positioning you in correct love alignment with God.

I encourage you to take the free Pre-Registration Course as a prerequisite to the Foundations of Love course, and please share it with your family and friends.

It’s time we invest in love in our lives and become more of who and what God made us to be.

With sincere love,
Jana Rawling

† By God’s grace.

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