Living in Love

Walking with God

Scripture says that when we love God, He will abide in us (See 1 John 4:12). Think about that. The God of everything will live in us. He will make us His dwelling place. Our lives can be difficult here in this world. We are attacked at every opportunity the devil gets to come against us. He hits us with illness, ruins relationships, and distracts us from time with the Lord. The devil steals, kills, and destroys as he roams around like a lion seeking whom he can devour. And devour he will when we forget that God live in us when we love Him.

It sounds simple enough — just love God and He’ll live in you. The thing is, we don’t always know how to love. Love is twisted for many of us who have suffered. We have a less than perfect definition of love thanks to our upbringing or dysfunctional relationships. We don’t know how to set effective boundaries, honor each other, or remain independent versus being co-dependent. We have had parents divorced, trauma and abuse, and we’ve engaged in self-destruction.

Our only out is Jesus. Jesus is the only One who can heal our understanding of love permanently. Holy Spirit knows what we need to learn and grow in love. God is the foundation of our loving relationships. We must cry out to Him with sincerity of heart for restoration of love in our lives. So, let’s stay in God’s Word, Who is Jesus Himself, and ask Him to show us how to engage in His righteous and unconditional love. Let’s walk with for love Him. Let’s know that no matter our understanding of love, He will live in us and teach us how to love ourselves and others.

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